Improved Telnet Coverage

During the initial connection handshake with a Telnet server there is an optional exchange of options that tell the client/ server which features are supported on »

Top Website Defacers: June 2015

I wanted to revisit the results of an earlier post this year on how to track website defacements and see how things have changed since then. »

Taking Things Offline is Hard

Shodan has been in the news for the past few years largely due to the discoveries that security researchers have made with it. Whether it's webcams »

State of Control Systems in the USA

I've recently added the ability to search for devices in Shodan based on the state they're located in. This provides the interesting possibility to start comparing »

Hiding in Plain Sight

A common reaction I get when talking about devices exposed on the Internet is something like the following: Specifically, the idea that running the service (in »