Hiding in Plain Sight
A common reaction I get when talking about devices exposed on the Internet is something like the following: Specifically, the idea that running the service (in »
A common reaction I get when talking about devices exposed on the Internet is something like the following: Specifically, the idea that running the service (in »
Shodan crawls a lot of different ports and it's most known for the Internet of Things devices it uncovers, but did you know that Shodan also »
Every home user has a modem that lets them connect to the Internet and is usually provided by their ISP. A popular manufacturers of modems is »
A lot of website defacements leave the signature of the attacker. Whether it's the Syrian Electronic Army or a lone individual, they like leaving a message »
Some of the most popular searches on Shodan aren't actually for devices, but rather about custom HTTP headers that sysadmins decided to add. You can find »